Joseph has some fun getting back at his brothers while saving their lives!
Genesis 42-45
Seems like Joseph was maybe a bit too eager to please the King.
Genesis 37-47
There seems to be more here than what meets the eye!
One more person Abraham seems ready to sacrifice!
Genesis 22:1-19
So much for the Man of Faith!
Genesis 12
Sometimes we want to dominate and control others.
God wants us to control ourselves!
Genesis 11:1-9
Why did God do it?! Because He loves us!
Genesis 6:11-22
Have we ever given a gift with an expectation of receiving something in return?
Genesis 4:1-16
The question isn't "How is that possible?" but "Why is it in the Bible?"
Genesis 1:26-31
Adam is Joe Dirt in Paradise.
Genesis 1:26-31
Profess, Identify, & Baptized in Christ.
Galatians 3:1-9
Feasting in the Family of God.
Romans 8:28-29
Slaves we are, but who is our Master?
Romans 6:20-23
Some may be up to our waists, so up to our necks, but we are all stuck in the warm mud pits!
Mark 2:15-17
Chasing money because you don't seem to have enough? Fear not! Serve God!
Matthew 26:14-24
Sometimes we have to ask if we really believe what we say we have faith in.
Hebrews 11:1-3
Like a numb arm that won't respond to our brain, our spirit is incapable of responding to God until He awakens it!
Colossians 2:6-15
Our insecurities can inhibit God's work in us. So be at peace with what God can and will do in and through us!
Judges 6:1-16
As a believer shouldn't it come natural to live for God?!
2 Peter 1:3-9
What keeps us from leaving either the pig pen or the farm fields?
Matthew 7:1-11